Persuasion Economics 10: Applied NeuromarketingYour A/B test should be run to measure the amount of change in the behaviour of the customer. If the customer changed behaviour because of…May 18, 2021May 18, 2021
Persuasion Economics 9: Building TrustTrust is built on an emotional level. If I cannot understand it, then I cannot trust it. Therefore, to build trust with your customers, you…May 10, 2021May 10, 2021
Persuasion Economics 8: Influence & Interactive DesignYour website is a salesperson, understand the biases that you can use and utilise them appropriately.May 3, 2021May 3, 2021
Persuasion Economics 7: The Persuasion SlideYour website is a salesperson, understand the biases that you can use and utilise them appropriately.Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
Persuasion Economics 6: NeuroMarketing95% of our decisions are made in an unconscious state, only 5% are made conscious.Apr 19, 2021Apr 19, 2021
Persuasion Economics 5: Emotional Decision Making70% of the decisions we make are unconscious. WRONG! Actually, 100% of the decisions we make are unconscious. We justify our actions and…Apr 11, 2021Apr 11, 2021
Persuasion Economics 4: Cognitive Distortions & Factors That Affect Decision Making.This is week four of my Digital Psychology training by CXL has me learning about Decision Making and Emotional Reactions as well as how to…Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Persuasion Economics 3: Emotion, Perception & Attention Principles.It’s the third week of my Digital Psychology training by CXL and I would be sharing my take home from these learnings. I would share tips…Mar 29, 2021Mar 29, 2021
Persuasion Economics 2: Persuasion Principles and Layers of The Mind — ReviewBeing a Copywriter and a Mindset Coach has given me an edge when it comes to practising either of both tasks. I recently took up a course…Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
Persuasion Economics 1: How The Mind learns to BUY — ReviewIn the following weeks, (with next week being Sunday), I would share tips from my learnings and experience as a Copywriter and Mindset…Mar 20, 2021Mar 20, 2021